October 9, 2015 Comments (0) Views: 4465 Content Strategy, Interaction Design, photography projects, UX Design, UX Strategy, Visual Design

Where To Go? An Agenda For Photography

Photo project

It started over coffee. Several photo enthousiasts from two Rotterdam based photo event organisations (Instawalk010 & Urban Photo Collective) were just chatting and found they were missing one major thing…

“Has this ever happened to you? You’re looking at your Facebook or Instagram timeline and see some cool photos of an event pass by and think to yourself, “Wait a minute, why was I not there?”. Sounds familiar? Mostly because you did not even know that the event took place?”

One place to find everything… on photography, Not about cams, lenses & technique, But things to do & places to go to.

So we started a platform, a website and social media with agenda, maps and blogs that inspire photographers to go somewhere or to do something new, expanding their photographic horizon. We created everything from scratch, the website, print, content, presentations to get the local organisations to work with us. Right now we are just at the beginning of our venture. But has been a fun ride so far and we will keep learning a lot from growing this business.

A big bow for the team: Christine Fürst, Diana Bokja, Jeroen van Dam, Richard Hanemaayer & Rool Paap.

Go to for your photo inspiration!



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